Monday 4 May 2015

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Live Statistics of Internet on your screen

Do you how many Blogposts are written, how many tweets are sent, how many youtube videos viewed today? Still not then this website is for you for all internet analytic.
Internet Live Stats is part of the Real Time Statistics Project (Worldometers and 7 Billion World).
They are an international team of developers, researchers, and analysts with the goal of making statistics available in a dynamic and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world.

They pioneered two methods of visualizing data: the Single Unit Isotype and the Live Isotype . Both are used on Internet Live Stats in addition to our live statistic counters, for which we are the trusted leading provider worldwide (our clients include BBC News, United Nations Conference Rio+20, U2, Wired, Kaspersky Lab, etc.).

Internet Live Stats has been cited by the Official World Wide Web Anniversary Site by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and World Wide Web Foundation, as well as in the 2014 white paper The Internet of Things by IBM.

Their global data website Worldometers has been voted as best online reference website by the American Library Association (ALA) and their statistics are referenced in over 800 published books and more than 300 professional journal articles.


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