Tuesday, 17 November 2015

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Timepassing with these websites will make you productive

Passing the time is one of the hardest work a person needs to do someday or sometimes in life.If someone wants to make it more productive than he or she should follow these under written links or websites.

1. Factoclock : Learn something new every minute.

2. RandomUsefulWebsite : Click and get random useful websites.

3. BirthdayScan : Hidden facts about your birthday.

4. Scale of the Universe : Use scroll bar to scroll into the universe.

5. Silk : Interactive Generative Art.

6. Entanglement : Create the path game.

7. Balldroppings : Create sound from dropping balls.

8. Overtype : The type writer simulator.

9. Superlogout : Open it if you want to logout of all websites in single click.

10. Mailinator : Free Public Email.


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